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Butterfly Pea Flower

Butterfly Pea Flower


Butterfly Pea Flower is a gorgeous flower that has a myriad of health benefits. A highly favored medicinal herb with a vibrant hue of deep blue that has a special effect on physical and emotional well-being.

One of Southeast Asia gems, often referenced in Ayurvedic Medicine as an ancient remedy that increases the capacity to engender mental clarity and promotes nervous system protection.

This lovely flower has made its way all over the world and many are relishing in its ability to transform skin with it’s rich antioxidants.

Amazing compounds of Butterfly Pea Flower, include anthocyanin which protects and supports skin, hair, and eye health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that balance cholesterol levels.

In terms of external benefits, Butterfly Pea is an wonderful natural colorant. In addition to that, has traditionally been known to revitalize skin and lustrous radiant hair.

Add some of these lovely flowers to spring water, add a few lemon drops to make a homemade face toner or hair spray.

Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea

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